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What our supporters are saying:


"Everything that community is, and should be, Hueman Collective embodies. Having a fixture that consistently promotes, supports and encourages local businesses, entrepreneurs and artists in all that they do reminds us why we chose to live here in the first place! Stories get told everywhere--in the coffee shop, at dinner and even on the sidewalk as the train passes by. Hueman Collective simply expands on this and reminds us what community is all about: connecting, listening, learning and sharing. It's special to us and to so many others."

— Mathew and Anna Claire Stinson, Owners of Stinson Breads:

“The storyteller to the magical everyday lives of our closest neighbors, Hueman Collective is the binding to the study of unity of people. Their true communications and stories place the lives that are so vivid and all around us, right in front of us.”

— David Bizilia, Owner of Side Track Coffee

“Hueman Collective is a pillar in our community and a cause well worth supporting. Their focus on storytelling and highlighting unique local experiences has opened a new world for so many of our neighbors. We’re very lucky to have such an engaged group of people making difference in our community.”

— Garrison Snelling, Founder of Opel Pay


Help us cultivate a better community.


Whether you choose to give a one time payment or you sign up for a monthly recurring donation, your contribution allows us to continue to provide our for publication free to the community and continue to be a voice of encouragement and unity. Consider giving and joining the collective today!



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Show your support for Hueman Collective in style.

The New Community Circle Tee