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Southbound Sessions is a video series produced by Hueman Collective featuring intimate live performances by local musicians in local venues.


C. A. Jones at 10,000 Hz Records


Larry Mitchell at Standard Deluxe


Sylvia Rose Novak at Side Track Coffee

Southbound Sessions, Vol. 1 sponsored by


Become A Part Of Southbound Sessions

Musician Interest

If you are a musician or a band that would like to be filmed for Southbound Sessions, email us at and include the name of your band, a brief bio and a link to any music and/or videos that you have released. We will review it and get back to you!

Venue Interest

Do you have a business or venue that you think would be a great location for Southbound Sessions to film a live performance? Email us at, and tell us all about it! Include any photos of the space that you may have and any important details you think we should know.

Sponsorship Interest

We couldn’t produce Southbound Sessions without our sponsors! If you or your organization would like to become a sponsor email us at for more details.

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