Reading List: My Life In France


The Hueman Collective Reading List

Every other month, a staff member from Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers selects a book for our reading list. This month’s selection is “My Life in France,” by Alex Prud'homme and Julia Child, chosen by Kenzie Beckett.

As most know, Julia Child was a world-known chef, author of “Mastering the Art of French Cooking,” and television host. “My Life in France by Alex Prud'homme and Julia Child illustrates her journey through life with poise and thoughtfulness. Moving originally to Paris, France, with her husband, Paul, for his job as an American diplomat, Julia did not yet have any cooking experience. Despite that, she went on to create a revolution in French cooking by being the first to make it accessible to Americans. This book is a beautiful love letter to France, French cooking and Julia Child herself—all of which I originally had little knowledge of but now appreciate on a much deeper level.

This book is already so close to my heart. Having read it for the first time at the beginning of isolation, it gave me a great deal of comfort and hope in what seemed like a hopeless time. I admire Julia’s tenacity, kindness and whimsy. She was authentically herself and followed her dreams in her own way.  Through her story, I contemplated life and the unexpected turns it often takes. I now feel more at peace with the constant uncertainty in my life, it is never too late to try something new or completely change your life around if you want. Anyone can find solace, joy or simply new knowledge about an incredible human in reading “My Life in France—- it is truly a phenomenal read.

—Kenzie Beckett

You can purchase “My Life In France” by Alex Prud'homme and Julia Child at Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers: 149 E. Magnolia Ave Auburn, AL 36801. You can also support AOCB by purchasing this title and others online at

Read our Feature, “New Pages Of An Old Story,” to learn about AOCB’s deep roots in the community and their inspiration for opening an independent bookstore in downtown Auburn.


Kenzie Beckett


Seeded In Family, Rooted In Community


New Pages Of An Old Story