New Pages Of An Old Story

Words by Cecilia Wood | Photography by Henry Williford


Even though you might dive into a new book on your own, reading is anything but solitary. At Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers, you’re just as likely to find your new favorite book as you are to find a place to connect. 

Located near Toomer’s Corner near favorite restaurants like Taco Mama and Little Italy, Auburn Oil Co. opened in fall 2019. One of the founders, Mike Armor, grew up in Auburn and attended Auburn University. His father, Murphy Armor, owned gas stations called Auburn Oil Co. 

“There was a time when gas stations were a hub for community activity, and they were one of the South’s primary locations for storytelling,” said June, co-founder of the store and Mike’s wife. “We wanted to bring this same spirit of story and community to Auburn with our bookstore.” 

Once you walk into Auburn Oil Co., you’ll feel that sense of togetherness. The bright open space is surrounded by colorful books and art, punctuated with notecards that feature each bookseller’s recommendations. At the bar, you can grab a cup of coffee and take a seat at the front of the store, enjoying the company of your friends or simply watching people walk by Auburn’s quiet streets. No matter what you do, you’ll be welcome in the space. 


“Our reason for being is to create a space where everyone is comfortable, where all ideas are safe and people feel known. Auburn is a very diverse and welcoming community. We’ve felt it through the warm reception we’ve received from all sides–customers who are enthusiastic about our arrival, other businesses helping us establish partnerships and roots, amazing employees eager to be a part of creating something special,” June says. 

Auburn is a community with a thriving love for the arts, and Auburn Oil Co. is a welcome addition to this atmosphere. Beyond its large collection of books, Auburn Oil Co. creates new opportunities for the community to grow, from open mic nights where growing artists can read their works to book club challenges on Instagram that encourage readers to step outside of their comfort zone when choosing new books. 

As Auburn continues to grow, Auburn Oil Co. hopes to be part of its stories for years to come. From new students looking for a place to grab a coffee to locals finding new books to read on relaxing weekends, Auburn Oil Co. will become a part of their story in the same way that they become a part of its story. 

“We want to be in Auburn for decades to come, to be an important part of this town’s history,” said June. 


There are multiple ways to support Auburn Oil Co. throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. You can shop in store, which is now open with limited capacity. There, the staff love sharing their recommendations and answering questions. Plus, you can shop the store’s selections online at Bookshop ( Outside of purchasing, you can review the store on Google and keep up with them on Instagram at @auburnoilbooksellers or on Facebook by searching Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers. No matter what, you’ll love being part of the community that Auburn Oil Co. has created.



The Hueman Collective Reading List

Every other month, a staff member from Auburn Oil Co. Booksellers selects a book for our reading list. Find your next good read read here while you support your local bookstore.

Our reason for being is to create a space where everyone is comfortable, where all ideas are safe and people feel known.
— June Armor

Reading List: My Life In France


Leaning Into Community